Before letting you attend the training, I want to do two things.
First, I want to get to know you better and make sure the content’s going to be relevant to you.
While I do offer this invitation to many, I don’t allow everyone to join.
I like to keep my mastermind groups as high-level as possible and I only allow entrepreneurs with the right heart, mindset, and intentions to attend.
That’s why I’d like to get to know you better and make sure you’re a fit.
Second, I want to learn about your goals and current problems so I can have you sit in on the session that’s going to be most valuable to you.
Once I’ve determined that you’d be a good fit, I also want to make sure that this experience is going to be the most valuable for you.
That’s why I want to learn about your current situation so I can have you join us on the session that would be best suited for you.
This is NOT a Sales Call